UC Berkeley Diesel Spill

On Dec. 10, an underground storage tank that supplied a backup generator located at Stanley Hall on the University’s campus in Berkeley spilled 1,650 gallons of diesel fuel. About 850 gallons of the spilled diesel entered a storm drain and was then discharged into Strawberry Creek, an urban stream that runs directly into the San Francisco Bay. The Department of Fish and Wildlife's Office of Spill Prevention and Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Coast Guard responded. the University performed cleanup with oversight by the OSPR. In 2013, the State Water Resources Control Board reviewed the University’s overall management of underground storage tanks and discovered numerous additional violations including, among other things, failure to monitor for leaks, failure to maintain adequate spill containment, and failure to provide adequate corrosion protection. The State Water Board and OSPR collaborated in reaching a $449,000 settlement with the Regents of the University of California regarding the improper storage of hazardous substances in underground storage tanks and natural resource damage violations. For settlement details see the news release at Settlement News Release.

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